Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

These are the standard terms and conditions for Website Design and Development and apply to all contracts and all work undertaken by Digitalmarketsales ® for its clients.


It is not necessary for any Client to have signed an acceptance of these terms and conditions for them to apply. If a Client accepts a quote, then the Client will be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the terms applying and have accepted these terms and conditions in full. Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Any purchase or use of our services implies that you have read and accepted our terms and conditions.


Digitalmarketsales will carry out work only where an agreement is provided either by official email, phone, or social messenger. An 'order' is deemed to be a written or verbal contract between 'Digitalmarketsales' and the client, this includes phone, email and messenger.

Estimates & Contracts

Estimates provided to prospects will be honored for 30 days. A new quote will then be provided upon request. Contracts that have been written, but not signed by the client will only be accepted within 30 days of the delivery date. A new contract may be drawn up upon request.

Our Fees And Deposits

A 50% deposit of the total fee payable under our proposal is due immediately upon your instructing us to proceed with the website design and development work. The remaining 50% shall become due when the work is completed to your reasonable satisfaction but subject to the terms of the 'approval of work' and 'rejected work' clauses. We reserve the right not to commence any work until the deposit has been paid in full. The 50% deposit is only refundable if we have not fulfilled our obligations to deliver the work required under the agreement. The deposit is not refundable if the development work has been started and you terminate the contract through no fault of ours.

Supply Of Materials

You must supply all materials and information required by us to complete the work following any agreed specifications. Such materials may include but are not limited to, photographs, written copy, logos and other printed material. Where there is any delay in supplying these materials to us which leads to a delay in the completion of work, we have the right to extend any previously agreed deadlines by a reasonable amount. Where you fail to supply materials and that prevents the progress of the work, we have the right to invoice you for any part or parts of the work already completed.


Unless otherwise agreed upon with the client, the timescale for completion of work may vary and can take from 1 to 6 months after approval of design and plan, depending on the scale of the work. Time frames for the project will be discussed with the client before the project commences. Digitalmarketsales will do its best to complete the project as soon as reasonably possible. For a high standard of quality to be produced, please allow sufficient time for the project to be completed. In terms of unfortunate technical issues and slow response from customers, Digitalmarketsales take their rights to increase the timeframe multiple times.


Digitalmarketsales requires a deposit before we begin work on any project. A request to terminate services must be presented to Digitalmarketsales in writing. Digitalmarketsales has a Guaranteed 90 Day Turnaround for your project. If we fail to start your project within 90 days of the start date AND you have turned in all content, images and information requested by us, you will receive a 50% refund within 30 days of your written request. Otherwise, please follow the refund terms below. Refunds will be processed within 30 business days of request by the client if there is a refund amount due based on the terms above. Any purchase that we made on behalf of you like domain, hosting, or other resources. The amount we spend for those is not refundable.

Client Review

Digitalmarketsales will provide the Client with an opportunity to review the appearance and content of the website during the design phase and once the overall project development is completed, but before uploading to a server or release of the materials to the Client. The client must inform Digitalmarketsales of any amendments required within 7 days of design completion and within 7 days of project development completion. At the completion of the project, such materials will be deemed to be accepted and approved.


We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to make revisions to the design. However, we have the right to limit the number of design proposals to a reasonable amount and may charge for additional designs if you make a change to the original design specification. Our website development phase is flexible and allows certain variations to the original specification. However, any major deviation from the specification will be charged.

Project Delays And Client Liability

Any time frames or estimates that we give are contingent upon your full co-operation and complete and final content in photography for the work pages. During development, there is a certain amount of feedback required in order to progress to subsequent phases. It is required that a single point of contact be appointed from your side and be made available on a daily basis in order to expedite the feedback process. In that phase, the timeframe can be increased in case to meet the quality and fulfilling your demands.

Approval Of Work

On completion of the work, you will be notified and have the opportunity to review it. You must notify us in writing of any unsatisfactory points within 7 days of such notification. Any of the work which has not been reported in writing to us as unsatisfactory within the 7-day review period will be deemed to have been approved. Once approved, or deemed approved, work cannot subsequently be rejected and the contract will be deemed to have been completed and the 50% balance of the project price will become due.

Rejected Work

If you reject any of our work within the 7-day review period or do not approve subsequent work performed by us to remedy any points recorded as being unsatisfactory and we, acting reasonably, consider that you have been unreasonable in any rejection of the work, we can elect to treat this contract as at an end and take measures to recover payment for the completed work.

Final Payment

Upon completion of the 7-day review period, we will invoice you for the 50% balance of the project. You have to pay the total amount before the handover. Your project will not be released to you or uploaded until full payment is received.

Warranty By You As To Ownership Of Intellectual Property Rights

You must obtain all necessary permissions and authorities in respect of the use of all copies, graphic images, registered company logos, names and trademarks, or any other material that you supply to us to include in your website or web applications. You must indemnify us and hold us harmless from any claims or legal actions related to the content of your website.


Once you have paid us in full for our work we grant you a license to use the website and its related software and contents for the life of the website. And you will reserve the full rights of this website or web application.

Search Engines

We do not guarantee any specific position in search engine results for your website. We perform basic search engine optimization according to current best practices.

Consequential Loss

We shall not be liable for any loss or damage which you may suffer which is in any way attributable to any delay in performance or completion of our contract, however that delay arises.


To the full extent permitted by law, all terms, conditions, warranties, undertakings, inducements, or representations whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise (other than the express provisions of these terms and conditions) relating in any way to the services we provide to you are excluded. Without limiting the above, to the extent permitted by law, any liability of Digitalmarketsales ® under any term, condition, warranty, or representation that by law cannot be excluded is, where permitted by law, limited at our option to the replacement, re-repair or re-supply of the services or the payment of the cost of the services that we were contracted to perform.


We reserve the right to subcontract any services that we have agreed to perform for you as we see fit.


We agree that we will not at any time disclose any of your confidential information to any third party.

Additional Expenses

You agree to reimburse us for any requested expenses which do not form part of our proposal including but not limited to the purchase of templates, third-party software, stock photographs, fonts, domain name registration, web hosting, or comparable expenses.


You are responsible for maintaining your own backups concerning your website and we will not be liable for restoring any client data or client websites except to the extent that such data loss arises out of a negligent act or omission by us.

Ownership Of Domain Names And Web Hosting

We will supply you account credentials for domain name registration and/or web hosting that we purchased on your behalf when you reimburse us for any expenses that we have incurred. You will have the full rights to manage them.

Governing Law

The agreement is constituted by these terms and conditions and any proposal will be construed according to and is governed by the laws of Porto Portugal. You and Digitalmarketsales ® submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in and of Porto about any dispute arising under these terms and conditions or about any services we perform for you.

Cross Browser Compatibility

By using current versions of well-supported Front-End frameworks such as 'Bootstrap', we endeavor to ensure that the websites we create are compatible with all current modern web browsers such as the most recent versions of Firefox and Chrome. Third-party extensions, where used, may not have the same level of support for all browsers. Where appropriate we will substitute alternative extensions or implement other solutions, on a best-effort basis, where any incompatibilities are found.


You are responsible for complying with all relevant laws relating to e-commerce and the full extent permitted by law will hold harmless, protect, defend and indemnify Digitalmarketsales ® and its subcontractors from any claim, penalty, tax, tariff loss, or damage arising from your or your clients? use of Internet electronic commerce.

Additional Work and Expenses

If the client would like to design mock-ups of their project before the project commences, this service can be provided for an additional cost. Please confirm immediately if any changes need to be made to the project breakdown and quote given. Any changes made after approval of the quote, including designs and any other material will incur a further charge. Any additional work required by the Client on a previously completed project will be considered as a separate project and will therefore incur charges of its own. The client agrees to reimburse Digitalmarketsales for any additional expenses necessary for the completion of the work. Examples would be the purchase of special fonts, stock photography, plugins, etc.

Access Requirements

If the Client's website is to be installed on a third-party server, Digitalmarketsales must be granted temporary read/write access to the Client's storage directories which must be accessible via CPanel or FTP. Depending on the specific nature of the project, other resources might also need to be configured on the server.

Post-Placement Alterations

Digitalmarketsales cannot accept responsibility for any alterations caused by a third party occurring to the Client's pages once installed. Such alterations include, but are not limited to additions, modifications, or deletions.

Domain Names, Website Hosting & Other Subscription Services

Digitalmarketsales may purchase domain names, website hosting, or other subscription services, on behalf of the Client. Payment and renewal of those domain names, website hosting and other subscription services are the responsibility of the Client. The loss, cancellation, or otherwise of the domain name, website hosting, or other subscription services, brought about by non or late payment is not the responsibility of Digitalmarketsales. The Client should keep a record of the due dates for payment to ensure that payment is received in good time


We may limit or deny your access to support or terminate services if we determine, in our reasonable discretion, that you are acting, or have acted, in a way that results or has resulted in misuse of support or services, or abuse of Digitalmarketsales team members.


Termination of services by the Client must be requested in a written notice and will be effective on receipt of such notice. E-mail or telephone requests for termination of services will not be honored until and unless confirmed in writing. The Client will be invoiced for project work completed to the date of first notice of cancellation for payment in full within thirty (30) days. If the client has paid in advance, no refunds will be issued for the project work which has already been completed to the date of the first notice of cancellation or termination.

Termination of services by the Client may also incur additional charges, such as the cost of transferring website hosting, domain names, or other services away from Digitalmarketsales, to another provider.


In the event any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be unimpaired and the Agreement shall not be void for this reason alone. Such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a mutually acceptable valid, legal and enforceable provision, which comes closest to the intention of the parties underlying the invalid provision.

NB: Digitalmarketsales reserve their rights to make any update, addition, or changes to their Terms & Conditions, Privacy & Policy at any time.